Tuesday 27 October 2009


was just doing some last min checks on my webbie. all is good but i'm just paranoid. heh.

anyways! THE WEBBIE IS UP! LOL. I was just trying to figure it out and I GOT IT! *woohoo~

there it is! (: yea. so happy.
SO finally the webbie is done. like done done. aha. but I will have to maintain it and see it grow even more. For now, i'm satisfied.
I wanted to put in a video but i cant seem to do it. Sigh. Probably will do it as i move along.

IMy webbie is basically a very simple and clean one. I want it to reflect my personality and also for users to navigate the site easily. I really hate websites that are confusing and cluttered. I hope to give my audience a good experience as they travel through my web.

Also, the front page has a lot of colours so I decided to leave my backgd white so that it doesnt overpower my pictures. There are no words in my index which I quite like.. So users have to navigate the links by rolling over. There are only 6 links on the cubes and i find the blinking of pictures quite engaging---playful and fun;)

My web is not done completely. I have more future art work to showcase and I will make this web grow (: so this might be the presentation day but it is definitely not my last dreamweaver-day. As much as i hate it .. LOL.

I have my illustration and design links up except for photography cos I have yet enough photographs and so I thought I'll just put it in the links first so that it can be more convenient for me in the future..

There were definitely difficulties in my web page designing but i guessed all is over . or rather, the BIGGER confusion part is over and i'll have to continue to learn and practice dreamweaver and fireworks. I was struggling at some point and it was horrible. The two are not quite friendly in fact because there were some point where the files were correctly placed but they did not turn out well. I don't know why for some reason.. but i guess prob it was tired. it needed rest- like me when i was working.

I LOVE DESIGNING. but for now. my eyes are so heavy..

got to run to class soon (:


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